Why are grandparents important to grandchildren?

Did you ever wonder how some grandparents manage to have good ties with their grandkids and others don’t? This isn’t a mystery. Research has revealed the mysteries, but many grandparents still do not know them.

Encouraging a friendship between grandparent and grandchild

It is doubtful that this knowledge benefits grandparents who have lost touch or have deep family issues that need counselling. But this knowledge may be important for the rest of us. Thus, we all know about grandparents important to grandchildren.

close relations

Physical closeness

Not surprisingly, geographical proximity is one of the best predictors of close relations between grandparents and grandchildren. This aspect may not be managed by certain grandparents, although some have shown willingness to move close to their grandparent-grandchild closeness.

Other factors, such as grandparents’ health and financial status, may be factors if they restrict their travel. For grandparents who are fit, stable and financially able to afford regular visits to grandchildren, geographical distance is not of terrible importance.

While grandparents accept that face-to-face experiences cannot be replaced, technology has made it easier to establish a relationship with grandchildren over miles. Many grandparents visit Skype or other video chat site everyday with their grandchildren.

Older children will enjoy loving text messages as long as they are not too often. Facebook and other social networking sites are also suitable for tweens, teenagers and young grandchildren. Basically, caring grandparents are going to find a way to cross the gap.

When grandparents care for grandkids or become real or substitute parents for their grandkids, their chances to bonds are greater than normal. However, many grandparents who play these positions want them to be “regular” grandparents instead of filling parental shoes.

Research also reveals that the frequent involvement of grandparents contributes to closeness rather than the roles they serve.